


First Post

 Hello Princesses...and Princes !
My name's Lily Lota, I'm a singer and I'm from France.
But today, I at last to decided to make an English blog.
I apologize in advance that my mistakes, it's not my native language (if you want to correct me^^)
Passionate about Japanese culture, I studied Japanese when I was at university.
I'm in love with fashion (especially Hime Gyaru, Sweet Lolita, Pastel Goth and Fairy kei).
Sparkles, ribbons, bows, princess dresses and ruffles...There's something magic in the air!
I like talking, sharing with other "Harajuku" enthusiasts (but there are not many in my own town...)
They say of me that I'm funny and energetic. 
I'm a dreamer. I live in a sparkling world. 

I wrote, compose my own songs and do JPop/JRock covers.
My favourite artists are Otsuka Ai, Kyary Pamyù Pamyù, MUCC, Hatsune Miku...etc.
I don't care about fame, money or anything else than the music, I do what I love.
If you want listen my music, you can click HERE
This blog is about my musical projects (original tracks and covers), my dreams and my life (travels, decoden, beauty, outfits, food, friends...) 

And...saving the best for last:
Let me introduce a cutie small "person" to you!
His larger name is Monkey Gaô Luffy (Monkey/Luffy like "One Piece" character, and "Gaô" mean "Grrr" in japanese) but I call him simply "Luffy" or "Loulu".
He's 4 and he's really smart and adorable.
Because he's follow me everywhere I go he's kind like a mascot for me!
I love him so so so much!

I'm available for: musical projects, photo sessions, princesses meetings
Enjoy visiting it and please feel free to contact me with any feedback or suggestions that you wish to make.

1 commentaire:

  1. Tu es trop trop trop belle sur cette photo (et même dans la vie d'ailleurs^^)
    Bisous ma poule!
